Native Ideals

Native Ideals

Native by Carlton prides itself in breaking traditional trends. We've defined our ownership, believing it is best to be straighforward and transparent.
There's a prominent belief in the manufacturing (one that we can't stomach) stating that a product only needs to be "good enough" to satisfy most hunters. This is corporate philosophy. They label "you" as the (middle 80% of consumers). With all sincerity, Native by Carlton has purposely ignored that theory and takes pride in our non-conforming views. We make what we make to satisfy the top 10% of the hunters who fill their tags year in and year out and demand practical and functional gear. We refuse to just make a thing good enough... Manufacturing will be our best efforts because we, in turn, will be the first ones at season who rely on those same products.
The NATIVE logo is 6000-year-old cave art from the western cape of South Africa "that we admittedly plagiarized the hell out of". From the first Atlatls and Bows, we are all hunters as far back as our DNA takes us. Native is an embodiment of outdoor movment and lifestyle. It is hard to explain the pull to be so primal. That magnetic experience of sleeping at 12,000 feet Alpine and waking up to the bugle of a bull Elk. It's harder still to demonstrate the love of this "thing" but, in turn, the willing act of bringing it to ground. We will constantly be challenged to define the arts of calling and hunting. Make no mistake, we do see it as an ART, with the same passion as the hunter who found it necessary to paint those rock walls so long ago. It's the draw, to say something in a wild voice and have that something answer you back. It us gives the one thing that ties us all to calling hunting, its the deeper Connection to the experience..
What we make is 100% backed. If it fails due to a flaw we'll replce it. If it's technique, we'll do our best to teach it. Still not happy? I don't have the answer yet, but we'll find a solution for you.
CONSERVATION. Without making real effort nothing will ever change. Native will be taking 1.00 from every call purchase and will donate it back to RMEF and NWTF. Most companies just want to make a buck, Native wants to help make a difference. We are still defining what giving back will look like but this is a good start from us all.
-Co-Founder and Owner, Marc Carlton-
Raised in hunting since birth, was 7 years old when Wayne started the game call business. Writer, photographer, and hunting guide. Running a side business for 30 years as a farrier keeping his hands in a creative place, and a career fire fighter of 11 years. Trying to make Native a fulltime gig where he can design and build calls full time. Focusing on teaching and passing on his lifetime of influences. Although, his first focus is always his wife, Stephanie (a brillant photographer) @Bloom and Brontide Photo and daughters Brianna and Kaysan.