Magna Porta Series
Native by Carlton's custom-designed magna porta elk calls. This is an open barrel design that lets you manipulate your hands around the barrel and change the sounds as they roll out of the end by simply wrapping your fingers around the Magna ported barrel.
- All Collections
- Accessories
- Acrylic Belled Barrel
- Affordable Semi-custom
- Apparel
- Box Calls
- Burl Woods
- ButtHead Decoy
- Call Scabbard
- Call Supply
- Classic Original Frame Diaphragms
- Clearance
- Elk Calls
- External Reed Cow Calls
- Grunt Tubes
- Locator Calls
- Made-to-Order Custom with Elk Ivory
- Magna Porta Series
- Native Hats
- Native T-Shirts
- Original Green Weenie
- Pot Calls
- Predator Calls
- RIPIT Diaphragms
- Semi-Custom acrylic cow call
- Small Frame RIPIT Elk Diaphragm
- Turkey Accessory
- Turkey Calls
- Turkey Diaphragms
- V3
- XK7 Series King's Camo